About MySST Online

What is MySST Online?

MySST Online is an online submission and payment system for Sales and Service Tax. It is available 24 hours daily and accessible anywhere.

The system can be accessed through Internet Explorer Version 11.0 or above, latest version Chrome and is best viewed at 1024 x 768 > monitor resolution or higher. If you are using older browser, this system when viewed may appear distorted. Please download a newer browser.

If you are having technical difficulties using this system or website, please contact the ccc@customs.gov.my . If you want to report broken links or content problems or have a suggestion for improving this website, please contact the ccc@customs.gov.my.

How to register and start using MySST Online?

  • 1. Registration is required for new user. For new applicant, you may need to apply online at http://mysst.customs.gov.my/.
  • 2. Go to https://mysst.customs.gov.my to login.
  • 3. User ID and password will be given to AUTHORISED PERSON only to login.
  • 4. He/she will be appointed as ADMINISTRATOR and can create additional user ID for other staff.

